So Geoff and I decided tonight that we were going to work together to lose weight and get in shape. He has a very large gut that just won't go away so I'm hoping that with the new workout we're going to start (P90X) he'll be able to lose that and get some abs and I'll be able to lose weight more quickly and get back into the shape I was in in HS if not back down to that size by the end of 2012. My goal is still to be at 212ish by mid-August, a very attainable goal, only 55 lbs to go! :)
Here's the before pictures, I'll be uploading new ones every 10 lbs or month whichever comes first.

I'm disgusted but working on it so I'll be okay. Hopefully I can get rid of a bunch of it quickly with P90X and get back into shape well enough to run again. I miss being athletic and I want to get back there so badly. I want to be able to be that girl who looks obviously pregnant instead of the one where nobody comments just in case she's just fat and I will do it!
YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I've heard of a lot of people getting great results from P90X!! You go girl!!